Sovereign Grace Bible Ministries is a Reformed Baptist Internet website holding to the doctrines of grace commonly referred to as the five points of Calvinism. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the sole authoritative source for both doctrine and practice in the Christian life. We affirm the absolute Deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the complete sufficiency of His atoning work for His elect, the efficacy of His intercession for His people, His present exaltation in the heavens, and His absolute power to keep and preserve all who call upon Him in truth. We also affirm the need for personal holiness and purity of life among all those who profess to belong to Him. We hold to the 1689AD London Baptist Confession of Faith as the statement of our official doctrinal beliefs in all areas except in the area of eschatology where we have now moved to adopt the full or consistent preterist position

For more information on the London Baptist Confession of Faith, see the page marked "Doctrinal Statement" where a complete text of the creed is provided.