William S. Plumer

IF men would be safe, or wise, or holy, or happy, or useful, or strong, or victorious; let them look to JESUS, let them look to none else, let them walk in Him, abide in Him, glory in Him, and count as loss all things besides. You may look at the law till the spirit of bondage overwhelms you with terrors and torments. You may go about to establish your own righteousness till you can boast, and sin, and perish like a Pharisee. You may weep till the fountain of your tears has gone dry, you may have all gifts, understand all mysteries, bestow all your goods to feed the poor, and yield your body to be burned; but all these will not atone for sin, will do nothing, toward regaining the lost favor of God, will not make you meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. "None but Christ, none but Christ, none but Christ," has been the cry of the faithful witnesses of all ages...

To all ends, parts, and purposes of salvation, Christ stands alone. There is none like Him, there is none with Him, there is none before Him, there is none after Him, there is none beside Him. He had no predecessor; He has and shall have, no successor. He has no vicegerent; He has no assistant; He wears an undivided crown, and wields a perfect sovereignty over an undivided kingdom. If God's people exalt Him above all others, so does His holy and eternal Father. If they crown Him Lord of all, God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name. If they surpassingly admire and extol Him, there is cause for this preference. It is a holy, reasonable thing, to fall before Him and cry, My Lord and my God...

The great central truth of the religion of sinners relates to the person, character, work, sufferings, offices, and glory of Jesus Christ. These are vital in Christianity. As one is sound or corrupt here, so is he substantially right or wrong in the main. Both now and in the last day, the great question in determining character and destiny is the same: "WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?"