Light from the Past

Throughout its history, the church of Jesus Christ has been blessed by its Lord with faithful men who upheld the banner of truth in the midst of a sin-darkened world and an oftentimes apostate church. That the Lord Christ placed his seal of approval upon their ministries is evident by His honoring of their preaching and writings in many ways. Following are some examples of their God-honoring, Christ-exalting sermons and/or writings.



John Cotton

    A Holy Fear of God and His Judgments

Horatius Bonar:    

    God's Will and Man's Will

Thomas Chalmers:    

    On the Doctrine of Predestination

Jonathan Edwards: 

    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

John Gill: 

    Comments on John 6:44

John L. Girardeau:  

    Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism

A. A. Hodge: 

    Of Free Will

Martin Luther:   

     Enemies of the Cross of Christ & The Christian’s Citizenship in Heaven

Robert Murray M`Cheyne:

    Christ's Love to His church

J. Gresham Machen: 

    What is Christianity?

    The Tolerance of Paul

John Owen:

     Peace and Stupidity

    Various Quotes from Owen

A. W. Pink

    The Sovereignty of God in Creation

    The Sovereignty of God in Reprobation

William S. Plumer:  

    What Think Ye of Christ?

J. C. Ryle:

    Are You Born Again?

C. H. Spurgeon:

     A Defense of Calvinism

Augustus Toplady:    

    Thoughts on the Assurance of Faith

    Gems from Toplady

Benjamin B. Warfield:   

    The Dogmatic Spirit

The Cause of God